Songs on Instagram, trends and restrictions

Instagram reels have now become the most popular way to share creative content alongside e main reason for this striking popularity is mainly due to music and the role it plays for these social networks. Using trending songs on any of the aforementionu can discover trending Israel Mobile Number List music and which songs on Instagram you can use and which ones …

We tested Click To Message on LinkedIn Ads

What were the consequences of the disappearance of Inmail Ads? The same thing happened to LinkedIn’s revenues when it lost part of its value as an advertising platform. Since then, it has certainly had a clear negative impact on the bottom line. For this reason, LinkedIn (which does nothing but invest a lot of effort in innovation) got to …

Fraudulent clicks, what they are and how to minimize them.

This practice is particularly serious in search campaigns where the CPC is usually much higher. In short, these are called click fraud.  Once we know what they are, the most important and practical part Peru Mobile Number List comes: How do we detect these clicks? What do we do when they have cost us a lot of money …

5 Tips for Designing an Effective Sales Process

Based on the principle that in the previous processes we identified customers with the right profile , the first and most important phase of any sales process is qualifying the opportunity. In fact, since the customer evaluates us throughout the sales cycle, qualification is an ongoing process. We must therefore qualify the opportunity continuously. Before …

Export – Portuguese Companies on the Internet (web)

Online Reputation Top 50 Euronext Lisbon, the online visibility of the 50 largest national companies, websites and social networks. Fernando Coimbra Lopes Sep 17, 2012 You will certainly not be surprised if someone tells you that the Internet is a great showcase for an increasingly global world. What if someone tells you that Portuguese companies …

See all the terms and nomenclature used in Google Adwords

Pay per click marketing. Fernando Coimbra Lopes Sep 26, 2012 It’s not hard to start talking to a Search Marketing professional and immediately get confused by the endless amount of terms and nomenclature used in Google Ads . Google Adwords These are the main terms used in Google Ads: PPC : Pay Per Click, this …

What should go into an email marketing report?

Emails sent? Funnel stages properly defined? OK. Now is the time to evaluate the results and apply the necessary adjustments. But do you know what information is relevant for a good email marketing report ? In this article, we will talk a little about this subject. Let’s go together? What is email marketing and what …

Marketing funnel: where does the SMS and Email Marketing strategy come in?

Forgive me for the other techniques, but the marketing funnel is a great ally when it comes to conversion and engagement. Used effectively, it can bring great benefits to a strategy and make a difference in your communication. If you have no idea what a marketing funnel is and you stumbled upon this article, I …

Automated service

Customer experience is a decisive purchasing factor for 89% of people; learn how to improve it through automated service Digital Results Digital Results November 29, 2022 Learn Marketing Automation in Practice Automated service is one that does not depend on human interaction on the part of those who offer it. Automated service is one that …

Sales Page: See how to start selling your products through a Landing Page

A sales-focused landing page is certainly an excellent strategy for increasing online sales volume. In this article, we will explain this element in more detail and teach you how to use it efficiently in your company’s strategies. What is a sales page and what are its advantages? A sales page is a landing page created …