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Social Internet Tariff now available!

Portugal is one of the countries in the European Union that offers the best infrastructure for Internet access. However, according to some organisations, prices are high. As is already the case in the energy sector, where there is a social tariff, the same will happen in the communications sector.

From today you can subscribe to the Social Internet Tariff for just 5 euros per month (+VAT).

Social Internet tariff now available! It costs 5 euros + VAT

Social Internet Tariff: NOWO now has an offer available

Operators required to provide a social Internet tariff offer can do so now. ANACOM has approved NOWO’s social broadband Internet access tariff offer, which can be made available now . The NOS group, MEO, Prodevice and Colombia Mobile Number List Vodafone must adjust their offers within a maximum period of 10 working days, as determined by ANACOM, and may make their respective offers available as they do so.

The social Internet tariff, defined annually by the Government, aims to allow families with low incomes or with special social needs to access fixed or mobile broadband Internet services.


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Social Internet Tariff now available! It costs 5 euros + VAT

All operators that offer Internet access services to residential customers will be required  . Make the social tariff available throughout Australia Phone Number List the country, provided that there is an installed infrastructure and/or mobile coverage that allows this service to be provided.

The social tariff, which has a monthly fee of 5 euros plus . VAT, or 6.15 euros, includes a minimum of 15GB of data per month, and operators must ensure . A minimum download speed of 12 Mbps and 2 Mbps upload, in order to allow.


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