Why do aromas influence the marketing of 

Why do aromas influence the marketing of  This influence happens thanks to UAE Phone Number Data the powerful team that makes up the limbic system of the brain and the olfactory gland:  The limbic system governs memories and the emotions associated with them. The olfactory gland is responsible for recording aromas. This team connects perfectly …

The use of sensory marketing as a sales strategy

The use of the senses is the type of strategy that directly intervenes in your purchasing decisions, especially olfactory marketing, since through smell the brain has a greater capacity to remember.  According to studies, humans are able to remember 1% of what they touch, 5% of what they see, 15% of what they taste and …

Google Analytics Cohort Analysis

Google Analytics Cohort Analysis When we talk about cohort analysis or group  Taiyuan Mobile Number List analysis, we are referring to a comparative analysis between several groups, that is, the comparison of behavior by several groups of users with similar characteristics in relation to the same action (dimension). For example, users of different ages who …

Google Ads Advertising for Local Service Businesses

If you want to set up Google Ads Search Network campaigns or use Google Ads Local to advertise the services of a local business, here are some tips to help you structure your Google Ads account. These tips for Google Ads Search Network campaigns are more geared toward advertising service Businesses (for example: Psychology Center, …

Escape The Crisis With The Internet!

Amid the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic worldwide, the economic sector is looking for new ways to adapt to the moment of crisis, especially with social isolation. Closed shopping malls, restrictions on people on the streets and suspension of non-essential business activities are some of the main risk factors for entrepreneurs. How to escape the …

Scroll down and check out our great tips!

Coronavirus pandemic, Big Brother Brazil, country music live shows booming, the dollar exploding and chaos in Brazilian politics. How can we ensure high performance during quarantine? The fight for attention on social media is getting harder and harder, given the huge range of content on the platforms in recent days. In other words, every man …

Adapt Your Business To The Pandemic!

With the spread of Covid-19 throughout the country, the economic market is undergoing major changes. More than ever, it is necessary to reinvent yourself. Therefore, adapt your business to the pandemic! Two months ago, we found ourselves in a previously unlikely scenario: as a preventive measure against the virus, the World Health Organization recommended social …

8 Instagram Profiles For Entrepreneurs

First, we brought you the Brazilian profile of the world’s leading organization in support of entrepreneurship. The profile features posts with memorable quotes from our greatest entrepreneurs, inspiring stories, and promotions and behind-the-scenes footage from their events.   2. Administrators Portal One that couldn’t be left off our list of Instagram profiles for entrepreneurs that …