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The 5 causes of the rise in parallels and what is expected going forward Ingredients you will

Share it on Facebook Share it on Twitter The good result of Bopreal helped contain the CCL dollar. However, there are several factors putting pressure on parallel dollars. The question is until when? Although the week e with financial dollars and the blue dollar falling, partly by the good results of the bonus for importers, the gap with the official dollar was at values ​​close to 60%. But what are the causes and what is in the future? 1. Pressure from importers According to LCG’s weekly report, part of the pressure on parallels is due to importers trying to buy the CCL dollar and cancel their commitments abroad, both new and previously assumed.

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The increase in the gap, on the other hand,  the convenience of subscribing to bopreal to earn dollars, acting as a containment barrier to the rise of the CCL at least Indonesia Phone Number List in the part of the incentives for importers with commercial debts. Know more The Indexed Unit yielded 13.4% more than the dollar in 2023. Bopreal: successful tender and everything you  to know 2. Negative types The rise in parallel dollars also comes hand in hand with very negative real exchange rates and a real exchange rate to the first weeks of the month. In any case. Those who visit both La Feliz and the main tourist destinations in the country generally opt for “ gas tourism .” “ Consumption is . People take great care of themselves. “It is something that is oin different areas, including gastronomy. Summary area Jesús Osorno , president of the Hotel and Gastronomic Business Association (AEGH) of Mar del Plata. But lower demand is also in mass consumption.

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With the official dollar almost still, this rise may be due to the rise of the parallel dollar as well as the effects of the second round  from wage increases and Lebanon Phone Number List other prices in the economy. Inflation-Prices-Supermarket For the first time, weekly food inflation increased slightly compared to the previous week For the first time, weekly food inflation  slightly  to the previous week Ignacio Petunchi 4. Official dollar In line with what was. The BCRA maintains the moving parity of 2% on the official exchange rate that closes the week at $822.98. With prices 10 times higher, the improvement in competitiveness is being eroded at a rapid pace: 43 days after the exchange rate correction, the profit  was halved. The market is beginning to discount that the policy of anchoring the exchange rate will not be sustainable until April. The coverage demand in the ROFEX is paid $857 at the end of February .

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