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Separate SEO from overall digital marketing strategy

SEO needs the help of social media, content marketing, mobile marketing and all the other tools available in the digital marketing mix . If your strategy is to only focus on SEO, you won’t go long. There is a need to go beyond SEO and create a digital marketing strategy instead of just an SEO strategy. Use traditional SEO techniques to optimize your website and content but for promotional purposes, think outside the box and don’t be afraid to try things. Don’t try to think of ways to get more links but think of ways to get more traffic and the natural links will increase accordingly.

Not using the tag correctly

This is a bit technical but easy to understand. When Google’s WhatsApp Number crawler is reading a website, it uses several techniques to interpret the content of a page. The Title tag as I mentioned is a great signal, as is the H1 tag . The mistake that many websites make is that in a given page, they use more than one H1 tag. This could be because the website theme is not SEO optimized or the programming is not good, but the bottom line is that this confuses search engine bots. The easiest way to check if your site has this problem is to visit a page on your site and select VIEWSOURCE from the browser menu.

Not formatting content

This is also a fairly common mistake when you do not pay attention to formatting the content beautifully by using titles (large font size), list formatting, using italics, bold… Not only is this bad for user experience, but it is also something that search engines can understand, and if this is a recurring phenomenon, it will lead to a devaluation of site quality. When you  CASENO Email Link publish text on the website, don’t just paste the text (even if it is unique and original) on the page but try to make the page look good using headings (H2, H3), bold and italics to help users read and interact with the page.

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