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8 linkbuilding myths Do you believe them too

Link building is dead! So definitely put this out of your head. Even though it may no longer push you to the first position, you can still get at least in the SERP with quality link building. The great Google himself confirmed that links are still 8 linkbuilding myths one of the TOP 3 evaluation factors. And that’s why it’s worth looking at a few myths that still prevail in this SEO area . A link from a domain with a lower domain rating than mine? No thanks, I don’t want to Well, definitely not like this. Domain rating, domain authority, or whatever metric you use for this ranking is just a ranking by the developers of some marketing tool trying to get as high a correlation as possible between them and the search engine metric.

Three links to the article is absolutely ideal

Now, I don’t want to diminish their importance, but no one knows exactly how Brazil WhatsApp Number Data the search engine evaluates domains, so these rankings need to be taken with a grain of salt. I am not saying that it is not good to take the mentioned metrics into account, but what if the site is new and has the potential to develop, 8 linkbuilding myths quality content and high traffic, even if with a domain rating of only 30 for example? In that case, you don’t want the link? Keep in mind that the link profile must look natural, ie. it must contain both strong and weak domains. For a long time there has been an unwritten rule that 3 links to an article is the ideal number. Now I mainly mean PR articles promoting company products or services.

Your paragraph text

The stronger the domain, the more link juice for me

It is entirely up to you how many links you put in the article. We at the agency adhere to the rule that sometimes less is more . Matt Cutts also tried to Brazil Phone Number List answer this question , who mentions in a video from 2014 that during the last check, the algorithm took into account only the first link and ignored the others when there were several links from one page to the same page. However, he added that this setting may change 8 linkbuilding myths over the years.  Nowadays, most link builders are obsessed with getting links from highly ranked websites/magazines with a wide link profile, with the vision that the value of these links will be transferred to their websites. However, they usually forget one important thing – that is the number of domains to which the given website/magazine links. It is nice that 300 links from strong domains lead to the website. But if the website pours its imaginary link juice, link equity and so on to another 1000 pages, logically, you probably won’t have much left. I appeal to you again, think about link building more comprehensively and don’t just blindly follow domain rating metrics.

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