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«The unacceptable behavior of the tourist who damaged the Altas Cumbres road: a story that outrages everyone»

Outrage in Traslasierra due to an act of vandalism: man paints stones on the road In a reprehensible act of vandalism that has  great indignation. In the Traslasierra behavior of the tourist  community. To the first weeks of the month. In any case, those who visit both La Feliz and the main tourist destinations in the country generally opt for “ gas tourism .” “ Consumption is . People take great care of themselves. “It is something that is oin different areas, including gastronomy. Summary area Jesús Osorno , president of the Hotel and Gastronomic Business Association (AEGH) of Mar del Plata. But lower demand is also in mass consumption.

Prevent him from carrying out

According to the information  a resident of the area  the Police about the incident, which led to the arrest of the individual responsible. The suspect, a 50-year-old tourist from the city of Rosario, province of Santa Fe. To having  the stones Hong Kong Phone Number List in the mountain range. His excuse was outrageous, alleging ignorance of the prohibition and stating that he had not seen any sign that would prevent him from carrying out his action. In the province of Córdoba. Establishes sanctions for those who alter works of art. Historical monuments and buildings of public value. Sanctions may include up to ten days of community work. Fines of up to 20 Fine Units (MU) or arrest of up to three days.

 Behavior of the tourist of respecting

It is important to remember that any alteration of buildings, constructions or monuments of historical, scientific or artistic value without proper authorization constitutes Iran Phone Number List a violation of public trust, subject to the sanctions by law. This unfortunate incident highlights the importance of respecting and preserving the cultural and natural heritage of our communities. It is everyone’s responsibility to ensure the conservation and care of our public and heritage spaces. A pitbull dog a 9-year-old girl in the Villa El Libertador neighborhood. The man from Córdoba who in Chile after being swept away by the sea. – Image 4: The operation in a field near Devoto and San Francisco.

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