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Sell ​​online with the e shop application on Facebook

Social networks are experiencing one of their biggest booms these days. Facebook is about to introduce a video chat service in cooperation with its partner Skype. Google is testing its own new social network Google+. And so we at RU online Sell ​​online with decided to test and create our own e-shop on Facebook using the Click4Webstore application. It is a very simple software that ensures the installation. Administration and management of such an e-shop directly on a company or fan page on Facebook. The first one is completely free for a maximum of 15 goods. But without limiting the services and functions that the given Click4Webstore application brings.

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The solution to this problem is finally Denmark Phone Number Data an e-shop that is 100% integrated into the Facebook interface. Potential customers of the e-shop, as well as the company, do not leave the familiar environment of Facebook. But Sell ​​online with on the contrary in addition to chatting with friends and acquaintances. They can conveniently purchase and complete the entire business transaction directly on their own personal Facebook profile without having to search for the given product somewhere on the Internet. Immediately after completing the initial administrative and installation steps.

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Phone Number Data

It goes without saying that it is possible to France Phone Number List monitor and analyze e-shop traffic and thus subsequently calculate. Our effectiveness and possibly change or set other marketing and business tactics. There is also detailed Sell ​​online with information and instructions on how to improve and optimize this e-shop to the maximum. If we add to that the possibility of promoting our company page and thus also the e-shop with a tool – online advertising on Facebook. We thus have a very interesting and unique marketing tool in the online environment. Which we can define as “facebook marketing” or “social media marketing” .

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