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Why do aromas influence the marketing of 

Why do aromas influence the marketing of 

This influence happens thanks to UAE Phone Number Data the powerful team that makes up the limbic system of the brain and the olfactory gland: 

  • The limbic system governs memories and the emotions associated with them.

  • The olfactory gland is responsible for recording aromas.

This team connects perfectly and is what gives the sense of smell so much dominance.

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How smells influence the marketing of your company or business

Olfactory marketing focuses on Vietnam Phone Number List the impact that the sense of smell has on a person’s decision when purchasing a product offline. Using emotional evocation as a starting point, we will give you a series of tips that will help in your commercial strategy: 

  • Smells help evoke emotions and memories.

  • Odors affect consumer behavior. 

  • Odors can influence the perception of the quality of a product or service.

  • Pleasant scents enhance the customer’s shopping experience.

  • Smells can make a customer feel good or bad.

  • Smells can intervene in the connection between the customer and the brand. 

Therefore, olfactory marketing represents a very important tool for your company or business if what you are looking for is to attract customers and stimulate their purchasing intentions. 

A satisfied customer will recall the moment they were in your business and associate it with a pleasant experience , which will fix the memory of your product, brand or service in their mind.

What is the aroma of your company or business?

Regardless of the field your company or business is dedicated to, you should not stop using olfactory marketing to connect with the emotions of your customers. Nowadays, it is common to see many companies personalizing the aroma of their premises to attract customers.

It is easier for the brain to memorize odors, giving the sense of smell the ability to remember more than ten thousand different aromas. 

An example of this is Disney’s theme parks, where they used the olfactory marketing strategy, impregnating the environment with the smell of popcorn, which awakens the appetite of its users and encourages them to consume. 

Other examples of the use of olfactory marketing are some restaurant chains , cafes, hotels, cinemas, car dealerships and gyms…  

For businesses in the textile sector, the use of specific aromas in their stores and products has served to define their brands. Smells such as vanilla, bubblegum, leather, and even cigarettes are the most commonly used aromas as references.

In olfactory marketing, it must be considered 

Using aromas as a marketing strategy for your business or company is like an art that not everyone knows how to use. 

There are aromas that on their own convey absolutely nothing, but when combined they create a fragrance capable of generating sensations of authenticity about a product or brand. 

As mentioned in the previous paragraph, it is essential to define the objectives you pursue when using olfactory marketing. These objectives can be the following: 

  • Strengthen the image of your brand or product

  • Attract the public so that they feel pleased with the atmosphere inside the business, which will make them stay there longer.

  • Increase sales volume.

  • Improve the public’s perception of your product.

It’s that simple… everything we’ve mentioned in the objectives can be achieved using other types of strategies, but you must not forget the percentage of memories that the brain stores through the sense of smell, that’s what makes the difference with this marketing method.

Other aspects to take into account about the power of aromas and marketing

Just as it is important to attract the public with a pleasant fragrance, it is equally important to know that an unpleasant smell can drive away customers and harm your business. Therefore, it is essential to keep your premises clean and fragrant.

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