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How to Write an Ebook


Ebooks can increase the visibility and whatsapp database credibility of your business while positioning your brand as a thought leader in your industry. However, these ebooks can sometimes be hard to write, even though they offer many benefits.

Here are some proven tips I recommend to help you write excellent ebooks.

1. Choose a topic that matches your audience’s needs.

Remember: The goal of your ebook is to generate leads for your sales team, so pick a topic that will make it easy for a prospect to go from downloading your ebook to having a conversation with your sales team.

This means your ebook should stay consistent with the topics you cover in your other content distribution channels.

Rather, it‘s your opportunity to do a deep dive into a subject you’ve only lightly covered until now, but something your audience wants to learn more about.

For example, in listening to sales and customer calls here at HubSpot, I’ve learned that creating ebooks is a massive obstacle for our audience, who are marketers themselves.

So, if I can provide not only this blog post but resources to make ebook creation easier, I’m focusing on the right topic that will naturally lead to a sales conversation.


g Topic Generator tool to develop more ideas. Most blog topics can be comprehensive enough to serve as longer-form ebook topics.

Below, I’ve added one of these headlines to Ebook Template 1 from our free template pack:


Pro tip: From personal experience, I can tell you that instead of adopting a generic approach, you should dive deeper and focus on a specific audience group to learn about their motivations, preferences, and problems.

Remember, everyone can‘t be your audience, as covering everyone’s pain points in a single book is difficult.

For this blog post, I will use the PowerPoint version of template two from our collection of five free ebook templates. Through each section of this post, I’ll provide a side-by-side of the template slide and how I customized it.

Below, you’ll see my customized ebook cover with my sales-relevant ebook topic. For help with writing compelling titles for your ebooks, check out the tips in this blog post.


2. Conduct research.

Although you probably have quite a bit bahrain cell phone number list of knowledge about your topic already, you still need to figure out what exactly your audience wants to know about and how you can make your ebook stand out from others in the market.

When I‘m doing research for my ebook, here’s how I approach it:

  • Read through existing publications about your topic and identify knowledge gaps and areas that require further exploration. During your research, take the time to address those unanswered questions to make your ebook more comprehensive and valuable.
  • Conduct keyword research to find keywords and phrases that are related to the topic you are writing about. By doing this, you can uncover trends about your subject and better reach users who want to learn more about the topic.
  • Gather original data and insights to differentiate your ebook from other sources and position yourself as an authority on your topic. If you’re able, reach out to industry experts and conduct interviews to collect unique information. You can also send out surveys to your audience to get statistics to support your content.

Once you‘ve gathered all your information, make sure you verify that it is all accurate and up-to-date. Also, be sure to keep your findings organized, so you can easily go back and reference them as you’re writing your ebook.

Pro tip: I‘d also suggest you look at courses that will be in high demand in 2023 your blog posts related to the topic. This provides invaluable information, such as showing you what questions your target audience asks.

It can be a checkpoint to see if you‘re heading in the right direction. If it’s something else, either reconsider the focus of your ebook or check to see how you can include it.

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