The debt of importers would be US$15.2 billion Commerce created opportunely

The foreign debt of the importers – 57.8 billion dollars – was not what they had registered in the Central Bank. When the Secretary of Commerce opened a new registry on the same date (December 12 of last year) the amount owed was lower, reaching US$42.6 billion . From this it follows that “the current financial burden of the debt for imports of goods and services would be $15.2 billion less than estimated ” based on previously available sources,” according to the Central Bank. And that would be “positive news in itself.” An explanation for such a difference “has probably been related to the expectation of being able to access an exchange rate that was very low until the change in management of the national Executive, in mid-December,” the Report states.

Commerce created opportunely and specifically

They could have declared imports, without subsequently formalizing the dispatch of the merchandise. Also to which importers they would have paid the debt with their Japan Phone Number List own funds. “through the securities market (with settlement) and/or other means of cancellation, especially between October and November 2023 when the exchange market was more tense” and they did not report these debt cancellations to the BCRA or report them in the following statement . The main tourist destinations in the country generally opt for “ gas tourism .” “ Consumption is . People take great care of themselves. “It is something that is oin different areas, including gastronomy. Summary area Jesús Osorno , president of the Hotel and Gastronomic Business Association (AEGH) of Mar del Plata. But lower demand is also in mass consumption.

BCRA estimates not only include

In the Registry of Commercial Debt of Imports with Foreign Suppliers is that of December 12, 2023. 2- Different dates of origin of the debt : in the case of goods, the New Zealand Phone Number List Commerce Registry includes operations registered before. In the BCRA report, the external debt originates from the date on which it is meets the agreed purchase condition. with the supplier or the entity that finances the import, which in most cases is prior to the officialization of the dispatch. 3- Different types of debt: Only debts with foreign suppliers are included in the Commercial Registry. The BCRA report includes not only the debt with foreign suppliers.But also any other type of financing for imports of goods or services granted by a third party outside the commercial relationship (for example, a foreign financial entity, International Organization, etc.

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