This is where our friends at Google’s algorithms come in and discard 99.999999999999% of answers
that are useless and the remaining 0.000000000001%, which could be useful, are organized into
pages with nine results each, and reaching the top positions is a great goal for Digital Marketing professionals.
All of this by crossing data in a mathematical equation, which progressively reduces the number of
responses, adapting them to the Internet user who asked the question.
A calculation of that magnitude in Arabia in the 9th century was extremely fast, it was solved in three
or four weeks.
Luckily, today our friends perform millions of calculations of this type, at the same time, in less than a
second. This kind of thing only happens in the fantastic world of the Internet.
Was I too fast?
Let’s start again
If you remember Altavista like I do, let me tell you… we’re old.
I don’t think that today’s kids can whatsapp number list even imagine a life without Google and its
optimal performance in finding the information exactly how they need it.
Well, a few decades ago, Google decided to be the first search engine we would turn to every time we
needed to know about anything!
In fact, all you have to do is press the “G” key in the browser and it will suggest that you enter Google;
that is, if it is not already set as the home page.
Google has become an important factor in our daily lives, thanks to our need to always be looking for
new information of any kind or to verify the information we already have.
The challenge that Google decided to take on led it to see that users were becoming more and more
demanding and wanted faster, higher quality and more accurate results. So it didn’t take long for it to
start creating systems like algorithms that would allow it to give users all of that.
What a task it gave us, the creators of information, too! Because now, Google’s algorithms require us
to be on top of everything, including our business, search engines, users, texts, creativity , relevance,
and everything at the same time. In short, it gave us the task of being worthwhile .
But don’t panic! It’s not that difficult to achieve. You just have to be aware of the algorithms and apply
their requirements to do better what we like to do: provide quality information that solves
people’s problems .
Read on to learn about these algorithms.
Do you know what algorithms are?
You must have thought of those how automated receivables management can help your business numerical programming frameworks. Well, those are algorithms! Added to this, they are also sequences that represent solution models.
To be more specific, as far as Google is concerned, algorithms are the tools it uses to determine the position in which your website will appear in search results.
According to Google, as such, algorithms are “ computer formulas and processes that take questions and convert them into answers, based on more than 200 signals ” and data structures, where elements such as the terms used by the user, the website, the timeliness of the content, both the region of the person and the issuer of the information, SEO and Pagerank are combined .
It’s not an easy task, because there are millions of pages with useful information, so Google has had to stop thinking like a robot and start thinking like a human.
What happened is that it understood that people do not like to waste their time, and certainly, going from page to page looking for the right information takes time and, as Google is interested in preserving its users, it turned this time into happiness for them.
But it should be noted that just as it cares about users, it is clever at evading the comfort of the issuers. That is, with each algorithm it launches, the pages are prepared to comply with the requirements, but since there is no shortage of bad intentions, Google began to constantly change the algorithms to also combat the techniques not allowed, called black hat .
There are many Google algorithms, however, here we will present the most peculiar ones: The animals that are in charge of selecting the search results.
Google Animals
When I think of algorithms, I imagine b2c phone list thousands of numerical formulas that, to be honest, I can’t read. But Google is certainly very cool, and since it knows that there are many of us who don’t understand programming terms, it decided to make them animals.
Yes, animals that appear friendly, but who have no remorse in penalizing us if we violate their regulations.
We can learn about their basic functioning and their main objectives to make Google a better site and a better search engine, however, keeping track of each one is a rather difficult task, since they change more than 500 times a year.
Let’s take a look at what these little animals in charge of monitoring search performance rely on, so that we know at least what we need to be sympathetic to them.
Google Panda
The Panda algorithm was launched in the United States in February 2011 and quickly spread throughout the world. It affected more than 12% of search results when it was launched.
Based on the analysis of the quality of the sites and penalizing those with copied, translated or low-quality content that did not contribute anything to users and that were well positioned.
What does Panda intend?
Simple! Generate quality content that provides value to people. And this is achieved by:
- Keeping your page up to date
- Looking for ways to enrich your content
- Making sure others don’t copy your content
The latter is certainly very complex. Therefore, you should try to index your content before your competition does. Well, it is not uncommon for Google Panda to consider your content as a copy, even if it is the original. It has happened.
To take into account
Google Panda takes into account:
- The bounce rate
- CTR in search results
- Dwell time
- Number of visits
Likewise, think about who your audience is and what they need when creating your content. Pay attention to spelling and use keywords, but don’t make them sound forced or repetitive within the text.
Nothing better than naturalness.
In this article on the main SEO factor , we will tell you in more depth how to handle these points that we have just mentioned.
What affects Panda
- Ranking an entire site
- In a specific section of the site or blog
- Very short content that does not provide any value to the user
- Bad writing.