Easy Ways to Ways to Increase Google Traffic For Free

Landing pages will appear after your visitors click on an email link, online advertisement, search results or even a particular promotional URL. Since it is the first opportunity you. Get to impress a customer and convince them. ToEasy Ways to Increase Google Traffic For FreeĀ  continue the purchase process the .Optimization of the landing page …

Introducing Google Pigeon and How It Can Affect Local SEO

It is a well-known fact that people will usually prefer to make their purchases locally. Google, too, knows this fact. With the help of the IP address, Google can easily determine the location of the person making the search. Pigeon allows Google to show search results that are based on the location of the user. …

Features Your Mobile Website Can Benefit From

Maps are essential for your mobile websites. People usually search for local businesses on their mobile devices. By placing map functionality on the website it becomes easier for your customers to locate your place of business. You can attach a widget which allows your visitors to get the directions to the location. It will be …