Spamming directories and comments It is strongly advised not to use certain black hat link acquisition techniques . These generally involve the use of spam and scraping techniques to obtain backlinks.
Even if black hat SEO techniques work, the quality of the backlinks obtained is not up to par. In fact, by opting for these techniques, you will increase your chances of getting a penalty from Google, which is every SEO’s nightmare. It can downgrade the site in question and cause you to lose all its traffic.
It is therefore wise, in order to preserve the health of your website and improve its ranking in search results, to avoid using black hat techniques at all costs. Here are some examples:
Buying and Spamming directories and comments selling links
Buying allows you to obtain a backlink from a website in exchange for money. It is often like renting, because the validity period of the link is often telegram data agreed in advance.
Google has announced for years. That it prohibits the sale of links with. The dofollow attribute which can disrupt its. Algorithm and distort organic search results. So, if you are thinking of using this. Netlinking technique, keep in mind that. If you are caught in the act, you will receive heavy penalties.
Despite the ban, many platforms. Offer the sale of backlinks, the price of which. Varies according to many criteria such as page rank, location of the backlink. Age of the page, type and reputation of the site, etc.
Placing links in Wikipedia pages
It is known that the Wikipedia site, the open source encyclopedia, ranked 5th worldwide by Alexa, benefits from a DA of more than 90. It is text services therefore the dream referring domain for SEO specialists.
Black hat SEOs tend to look for old, not very active Wikipedia pages to place their backlinks without attracting the attention of administrators and growing popularity of content creation the community. Some techniques are used to hide the inserted links, most of which involve modifying the CSS stylesheet to make the backlinks invisible to readers.
Black hat techniques
Even though wikipedia’s links are. Of great value in seo, it is almost. Impossible to keep a dofollow link for a. Long time, it will sooner or later be discovered. And removed by the community. On the other hand, in its anti-spam. Policy, google has developed its capabilities to discover. This type of links and imposes. Large penalties on the site that receives them.