Home office: 4 tips to be more productive working from home

Due to the spread of the new coronavirus, health authorities and scientists are unanimous in stating that it is necessary to maintain social isolation to reduce the risk of contamination and protect the health system so that it can gradually handle all cases.

In order to follow these guidelines – which are extremely important, by the way – without having to stop working, many companies have adopted the home office model, that is, they are working from home, remotely.

Although it may seem easy and convenient, working from home requires some care so that your performance does not suffer. After all, unlike a corporate environment, your home is full of distractions, ready to take your focus away.

Keep reading our article and see 4 foolproof tips to maintain your usual work rhythm or even perform better at home!

Even at home, maintain your routine

Although the home office model offers asia mobile number list flexibility, that doesn’t mean you don’t need to have a schedule, you know?

Following the same routine you had before you started working from home is a great way to keep your brain focused, after all, even at home, you will be doing everything you did in usual situations and following the same schedules.

Maintain your daily rituals. Have your breakfast, lunch, and afternoon tea, as if nothing has changed.

Set your work environment

As we pointed out, working from home can be a big problem if you don’t stay focused, after all, it’s an environment full of distractions – hello, Netflix!

To keep these distractions at bay and our fight them from hindering your performance, the ideal is to set aside a space in your home to be your office. It doesn’t take much to transform a corner into the perfect workspace: a desk, your computer, a comfortable chair, and that’s it! The rest of the decoration is up to you!

Oh, and it’s important to note that if the chosen location has a door and key, even better. After all, we’re not always alone at home and noise can be a distraction too. If this isn’t possible, talk to your family and make it clear what hours you’ll be working.

Take breaks to stretch and rest

Just as it is important to maintain fixed times to carry out all your tasks, it is also essential that your schedule has moments for breaks.

Working more than usual when be numbers from home is more common than you might think and it’s not healthy. In addition to the well-known back pain, a study revealed that working long hours can lead to other problems, such as excessive tiredness, stress and fatigue.

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