The company introduc task management, any assignments were now issu with deadlines. The rule was approv: “no task – no work!”
The corporate portal us the of the sales department. Now the salespeople could work from home, write and call clients from the CRM, their work became transparent and controllable.
It became clear which salespeople made how many calls, how many applications they convert into contracts, and how well they conduct dialogue with clients. The efficiency of the sales department increas by 18%. The client base now belong to the company, not to a specific manager.
The sales funnel was set up in such
a way that after the contract was conclud, the processes in the purchasing department were defin. The buyers also switch to remote work via the corporate portal, the efficiency of their work increas due to the transition to indicators. The total costs of purchasing consumables were significantly ruc due to more precise work with suppliers.
Field specialists were transferr to work on tasks that were automatically post for schul maintenance of engineering systems at facilities, as well as in the event of incidents and accidents. The tasks automatically includ the middle east mobile number list entire volume of necessary information: instructions and regulations. Planning CRM module increas the transparency of each employee’s logistics, the number of works perform by each engineer increas by 20%.
The task completion reporting system
Allow for recording the use of spare parts and consumables, as well as accounting for the work perform. The reports began to be sent to the manager in electronic form. The accounting department receiv paperless reports for calculating the salaries of engineers and invoicing clients.
Advantages of the new format
The costs of organizing office workers’ workplaces are being ruc.
Many employees find it convenient to work from home, which increases their loyalty.
The company can adb directory select an growing global podcast employee from any region.
Employee CRM module activities remain transparent and controllable through the corporate portal.
With proper implementation of the task management system, order and executive discipline increase significantly.