Creativity is when the muses find you working

There are days when he wakes up in a good mood; he wakes up there next to us and only demands, at

most, a good cup of coffee or chocolate, according to his preference, to give us the push towards creation.

On other days, we have to light candles, set traps, mousetraps, and even salt, like any witch in the

village, to see if she falls. And in the worst instances, some days she doesn’t even show up, she doesn’t

get a call, and we can’t even summon her with smoke signals.

Did something happen to him on the way?

It is not free if it does not arrive and when this happens, it may be due to two factors:

– We are exhausted and need to take a short distance from creation,

– Or she has realized that we have not worked hard enough on the idea we are building, so she

wonders: why go?

May the muses find us working! That is their motto.

A motto applicable to all those who need creativity, whether we are artists, engineers, humanists or

even marketers . None of us escapes this requirement.

And who is this creativity?

One that seems to be the all-powerful europe cell phone number list capacity of ideas and inventive,

intuitive and perceptive abilities in human beings; although its existence has also been identified in

the animal mentality.

It is also called imagination, the mother and muse of inspiration, divergent thinking and many other

things that I will not mention for now. It is the pinnacle of innovation, the creative sum of concepts

and associations with already existing notions.

It is the one that has the best capacity to give useful conclusions, to produce satisfactory answers and

to solve problems, of course, all from its unmatched touch of courage, originality and that I don’t

know what that makes it great.

Like any ingenious entity, it has methods and objects that allow it to carry out tasks and implement proposals in different and unexpected ways.

It exists to make our lives simpler, faster, more successful and even more economical, since no one

knows how to optimize more than creativity. It saves us from long paths and impossible undertakings to achieve what we want.

It is constantly associated with the arts or aesthetics, as if it were exclusively a matter of both subjects,

however, it is worth saying that it is involved in the daily life of any person and is even part of rational

and productive thinking.

Regarding the characteristics of creativity

Where does it come from, by the way?

Creativity is an inherent human ability learn about the features and impacts of the boleto api for companies that must be stimulated, developed and improved, just like any other ability. However, it is

true that there are personalities and individuals with a certain innate creative acumen that sets them

apart from others.

It requires time, space and preparation to emerge, as well as interest in the meaning of details in the

world and sensitivity.

Putting creativity to work is the same as putting ideas into action such as:

  •      Worth
  •      Flexibility,
  •      Capacity for association
  •      Intuitive ability
  •      Fineness in perception
  •      Imagination
  •      Critical capacity
  •      Intellectual concerns
  •      Freedom
  •      Enthusiasm
  •      Tenacity
  •      Depth

Among many others that are in charge, in turn, of converting people who want to carry creativity into minds that:

  •      They are active at all times
  •      They question and break the standards
  •      They remain authentic
  •      They don’t lose focus on an idea when they finally get it.
  •      They are emotional
  •      They have a changing mood
  •      They express themselves through stories
  •      They are very intuitive
  •      They are able to identify important points
  •      They take risks
  •      Sometimes, to be honest, they lose track of time.

Techniques for developing creativity

The purpose of creativity is to arrive at b2c phone list alternative ideas; this requires procedures and

tools, as well as prior research and information gathering, to yield the expected results.

Conceiving creativity seems to be as simple as naming it, however, we all know that this is not the

case. Great geniuses also take time to achieve it, and they are constantly immersed in strong crises to

achieve it.

That is why they began to create methods and games that would allow them to reach it in a less

tortuous way and in fact, they are activities that we ourselves can use to stimulate creativity:

  •      Brainstorming:

A technique typically used in groups to facilitate the emergence of new ideas on a topic.

  •      Lateral thinking:

A specific way of organizing thought processes, which seeks a solution through unorthodox strategies or algorithms.


Join the 9 points with 4 lines without lifting the pencil.

In this link you will find other lateral thinking exercises: 10 riddles

  •      Concept maps :

A network of ideas where the nodes are the concepts and the links are the relationships that the concepts have.

  •      Classification of ideas:

Table of distinction according to type of qualities between the ideas that are held.

  •      Fishbone diagram:

A graphical representation of the multiple cause-effect relationships between the various variables involved in a process.

There are also other methods such as Scamper , Six Thinking Hats , Automatic Writing , Synectics , and more.

On the other hand, creativity can also occur sporadically, when one is not consciously thinking about the problem. Inspiration arises during an incubation period, that is, when the idea has already been cultivated, thought about and reconsidered for some time, and suddenly it appears while on the way to work, watering the garden or doing some other daily activity.

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