Endir á magatilfinningunni: byrjaðu á gagnadrifinni markaðssetningu

90 prósent svarenda við 2016 DDMA gagnastýrða markaðskönnun telja að nútíma markaðsmenn þurfi tækniþekkingu til að takast á við gögn. 69 prósent telja að markaðsaðilar muni hverfa án skyldleika gagna. Í raun og veru er helmingur ákvarðana í stofnunum enn byggður á reynslu og tilfinningu. Tími til kominn að endurnýja gagnaþekkingu þína sem markaðsmaður! DDMA…

6 ráð til að vinna farsællega með persónur

Ég hef þegar haldið því fram í annarri grein að vinna með persónur geti leitt til mikils árangurs í nánast hvaða stofnun sem er . Allt frá betri skilningi á (mögulegum) viðskiptavinum og stærra veltumagni til ánægðari viðskiptavina og starfsmanna. En ég sé oft að hlutirnir fara ekki alveg rétt. Hvernig skila persónur mestri ávöxtun?…

How to Use WhatsApp Business API for Hotels and Hospitality

With the introduction of extensive communication platforms like WhatsApp Business API for hotels booking! they have become a powerful tool to leverage communication and take guest service to new heights. So! if you are a hotel or restaurant business owner and are looking for a way to make your customer communication process easier! we have…

The One True Source of Business Data You Can Trust

A company’s internal information, such as its financial or customer database, is known as internal data. External data is generated outside your company, such as market or competitor data. Public information, such as census or government information, is available to the general public. A reliable source of business data can provide you with a wide…

8 Critical Marketing KPIs to Measure Success

Those who work in the marketing industry are fond of highlighting KPIs, short for key performance indicators. In fact, industry experts insist KPIs tell the real story of a marketing campaign’s success or lack thereof. Fail to analyze marketing KPIs with consistency and you won’t understand whether your campaign is a legitimate success, stagnating, or…

6 Mistakes to Avoid When Developing a Content Marketing Plan

A content marketing plan is a roadmap for your company’s content marketing strategy. It provides a strategic overview of the tactics and objectives you’ll use to build an audience around your business. Then it details how you’ll measure those results. This way, you can see how your efforts are paying off when generating qualified leads…

What is Digital Marketing? Benefits, Types, and Best Digital Marketing Practices

Did you know that there are 5.35 billion internet users worldwide? That’s more than 60% percent of the world’s population! With that number of people, it’s no wonder businesses are online nowadays. And, that’s why digital marketing has become paramount for every business. But what’s digital marketing? Which methods and strategies does it encompass, and…

B2B Lead Generation: What is it?

When it comes to business-to-business (B2B) sales, finding the right customers is like searching for a needle in a haystack. Tricky, but oh-so-satisfying when you get it right. B2B transactions involve longer sales cycles, higher price points, and multiple decision-makers, no wonder it’s hard to find the right fit. However, this is where B2B lead generation comes…