The role of the people manager in companies

The people manager is responsible for directing the team to achieve goals and desired results, using each person’s potential as a “driving force” to this end. This management professional is capable of acting assertively to keep employees motivated uruguay mobile database and engaged. To achieve this, it is essential to promote communication, provide constant feedback , understand employee…

What does computer forensics study?

Forensic computing is use to track and analyze information collect from devices in order to solve crimes. Computers, tablets and notebooks can be analyze to assist with investigations. Although it contributes to solving cybercrimes , forensic computing is not aimed solely at solving crimes of this nature. The set of techniques also assists in collecting evidence and proof in order to…

Network with managers from other companies

Present in all states of the country and in the Federal District, IPOG has almost. 20 years of experience in training great professionals. Student costa rica mobile database satisfaction has become its trademark and proof of this is the student satisfaction rate. Which reaches 97.14% throughout Brazil. Innovative methodology The pedagogical projects carried out at…

How to manage people by competencies?

As we have already mentioned, competency-based people management allows the organization to assess the current capabilities of its employees based on their skills and whether they align with the company’s mission, vision and values. This practice allows the company to manage talents according to skills, knowledge, motivations and behaviors. To do this, there are some tools you…

What is the difference in people management by competencies?

Competency-based people management preserves characteristics of strategic management , but differs from behavioral management in that it identifies, values ​​and enhances individual and collective skills. This model develops mexico mobile database employee autonomy, allowing them to have a more active and responsible participation in the company. Considering each person’s skills is important to make the business even more productive….

Benefits of doing a postgraduate degree

With the trend towards hyper-specialization in careers, the importance of postgraduate studies has become established in a universe that understands how much more robust knowledge from canada mobile database a specialization, master’s or doctorate can add value to companies. However, there are also many advantages for professionals. Discover some of them. Competitiveness We have spoken extensively…

Why is it important to do a postgraduate degree?

The number of professionals seeking specialization courses has increased so much that, in the minds of many people, this is already an obligatory rite after graduation . It’s no wonder. The market is increasingly competitive and those who stand out are those professionals who master techniques, knowledge and tools that go beyond the basics taught for the profession. Another…

Oghere ndị ọzọ na-abawanye na mmalite & uru na ọghọm dị n’ịrụ ọrụ ebe ahụ

Oghere Oghere ndị  ndị  alite na-abawanye na nke a na-egosipụta na ọnụọgụ ọrụ! N’ime oge n’etiti Nọvemba 2013 na Ọktoba 2016, ọnụ ọgụgụ nke ohere na mmalite tolitere site na 8 pasent! Maka ahịa ọrụ Dutch dum, pasent ahụ bụ pasent 5!5! Nke a sitere na data sitere na JobFeed! Kedu obodo? Ebee ka ị…

Ræstu til að læra: Byrjaðu með MVP eins og Dropbox og Spotify

95 prósent af nýbirtum vörum mistakast Láttu það sökkva inn. 95 prósent nýlega settra vara mistakast. Vörur þróaðar af stórum fyrirtækjum með stórar fjárveitingar, bestu huga, nýjustu tækni og bestu einkaleyfi. Það er ekki málið. Svo hver er ástæðan? Mörg fyrirtæki bíða allt of lengi með að setja vöru á markað. Viðskiptavinurinn stendur aðeins frammi…

Hvernig hinn sífellt kvenlægari heimur hjálpaði til við að setja Trump í hnakkinn

  Þessar kosningar eru mjög góðar. Hvers vegna? Kosningasirkusinn setur fingurinn á sára blettinn: Hið karlmannlega, sem Trump táknar en einnig Hillary Clinton, nálgast ósigur. Já, þú lest þetta rétt: kvenleg gildi og skoðanir munu sigra í náinni framtíð. Hin kvenlega dögun er að renna upp. En þú verður að vera tilbúin að horfa framhjá…

Hugaflug: settu hugmynd þína með frumgerð að veruleika innan viku

“Hvílíkur hugarflugur!” “Hvaða sérstök innsýn!” ‘Frá og með morgundeginum munum við gera hlutina allt öðruvísi!’ Það er oft tilfinningin sem þú hefur eftir afkastamikinn hugarflug. Hvernig heldurðu í þá tilfinningu? Jafnvel betra, hvernig umbreytirðu því í eitthvað áþreifanlegt? Um það fjallar bókin The day after the brainstorm eftir Jeroen Dontje. Hvernig setur þú góða hugmynd…