No conclusive quilting stitch on the quilting stitch, that was the tone set by Jacques-Alain Miller at the opening of the Uforca conversation at the Maison de La Mutualité on June 18: each practitioner makes a particular use of it, draws from the range of possible meanings of the term, the one that allows him to name the obtaining of a knot that holds in the treatment under transfer .
On the conceptual level, he drew our attention to how the references us by the speakers, many of them from the seminar Les Psychoses , prove to be insufficient because the function of the quilting stitch must be grasp from the retroactive schema of the signifying chain.
What point should under transfer we focus on in this
very fruitful Conversation around six cases unfold in the smallest detail? My choice concerns the place of transference in the clinic of psychoses: no padding without the inclusion of the analyst by his act in the knotting, adding phone number list himself as a fourth element to hold the RSI apparatus.
The Conversation allows us to catch the precise act that makes this operation viable, each analyst taking the measure of the assess your website url structure impossibility of the subject to rely on the symbolic to limit enjoyment, favors a signifier of the patient’s discourse, a nomination, whether to support it, or on the contrary, to relieve it of its too implacable, or even subvert it to better grasp the benefits of its symptomatic function.
The presence of the analyst
here is a real incarnation in action, sometimes calming the excess of momentum of a subject, subtly distancing him from the paths of exaltation, making himself by his orient constancy, a regulator of mood. This is what Miller malaysia numbers list call “slowing down where necessary so that the subject remains at the right distance from the thing of enjoyment.
In this sense, the act promoting the construction of a holding quilting point does not involve a graft but the extraction of a precise term on which the patient can rely to find a nomination that comes to border this invasion of enjoyment that makes the body the seat of a wide range of torments relat to foreclosure. In certain cases, the new quilting allows The .