Choosing a store name is not an easy task. Almost every entrepreneur struggles with it.
It is not enough to come up with a beautiful and memorable name for the store. It should reflect the direction and distinctive features of a specific type of trading activity, be the business card of the seller. The name is the first step in creating an advertising image, the success of which will largely determine the recognition and popularity of the brand.
There are no trifles in business
Any detail, be it the font size and background color of a sign or the design of an advertising running line, all plays into store so important? the overall result.
The first impression of a europe cell phone number list person who has just seen the name of a new store will determine a lot: whether he will want to learn more about the products and services offered, whether he will return again or just pass by.
Often, entrepreneurs hastily give their stores random names that are not related to the specifics of their business. Sometimes, they don’t even think of anything better than to give them their own names. This is how numerous beauty salons called “Sofia”, kebab shops called “U Givi” or signs like “Fresh meat from Stepan” appear. It’s both funny and sad.
In fairness, it should be noted that
There have been examples in the history of marketing when random names brought their owners worldwide fame. This happened with Steve Jobs’ company, for whom a bitten apple became fateful.
What is naming?
There is a special store so important? technology that helps to choose beautiful and sonorous names for companies, enterprises and individual brands – naming. With its help, it is possible to create the most successful combinations.
The main principle is the prospect is lostsales brevity. Don’t chase hard-to-pronounce names that are impossible to adb directory remember. The best option is no more than two words. For example, “Colors of the World.” The store name should not look heavy. A bad option: “Leading global brands of paint for your renovation.”