Creativity is part of our DNA; it is a seed that lives inside us and needs to be watered and fed daily in
order to grow.
There are several ways to increase it; one of these ways is from these 4 ideas:
- Search for the item:
As the name indicates, it is about searching for the target object, setting the purpose and visualizing yourself achieving it.
- Passion:
A component that must be present in all creative processes and is even the one who must be at the head of all decisions.
- Persist and you will win:
Consistency, work and control; high levels of planning, iteration and feedback are necessary. Creativity does not come by magic.
- Get out of the routine:
It involves courage, risk and daring, thus intensifying the cognitive and emotional connections of creativity.
But creativity should not be limited to the act of creating. It is already a great challenge, but the idea is that it continues to transcend even its own expectations.
There is nothing more satisfying than an idea that can be applied to reality, that works for people, that
even moves companies, brands, names.
However, this approach tends to move towards other spaces where other concepts begin to be
involved, such as innovation and other needs to create new names such as that of the businessman Josep Lagares: creativity.
The creativity
Creativity is defined as the result middle east mobile number list of the union of the words: creativity
and innovation. This union only occurs when creativity, first, becomes the starting point of innovation
and second, when it is used systemically to generate value and return for a company, a brand or a society.
Creativity has been taken, in business terms, as the process that must be used to achieve success.
There are models to generate ideas and turn them into value propositions in accordance with
creativity, for example, in these 9 steps that “ Entrepreneurship is possible ” does not propose:
- Background and environment:
Identify the capabilities you have and the resources at a personal and environmental level that can help you define the idea.
- Creative process:
It is the creative culture to change the usual way of seeing and doing things. By thinking differently you will be able to see new solutions.
- Creative challenge:
Defines the challenge on which the creative process will be carried out to generate the idea.
- Generating opportunities:
Create opportunities by identifying the concepts that make up the challenge.
- Analogies in other worlds:
Search other worlds to break logical thinking and explore new routes.
- Valuation of ideas:
List, classify and select the best ideas created in the process. Assign points and prioritize those ideas that are most relevant to your problem.
- Development of ideas:
Develop the best ideas to turn them into valuable proposals that can be realized in a real product or service model.
- Prototyping and testing:
Check that our perception matches the marketing reality by simulating the concept we have created.
- Value proposition:
Describe the final proposal detailing the aspects that comprise it.
Creativity in marketing
A possible combination?
More than possible, necessary.
In general terms, marketing is a learn how to generate installment payment slips and receive monthly payments discipline that is part of the social sciences and uses various techniques and tools to
facilitate appropriate decision-making in the business world.
Creativity in marketing
Creativity is there to be applied to b2c phone list attracting consumers. Companies, regardless of their
emphasis, market or focus, should be linked to the philosophy of creativity.
What does this imply?
Having strategic plans where creativity, together with innovation, are the main objectives. A creative
company is one that reacts positively to new ideas and tries to find ways to reinforce this creative
inclination among its employees.
Stimulating creativity is considered at all levels, that is, it is not only a matter of office design, space,
products or services themselves, but also of selection processes, staff evaluation, the way of carrying
out relationships with people, among others.
As for creativity in marketing, it is responsible for making our message reach people in a different way
so that they notice it and respond positively to it.
It can be said that both concepts: creativity and marketing, are compatible, since, for marketing to
work, it requires making creativity the primary plan for the operation of the business.
There are various barriers to creativity in companies, starting with the fact that many of those in
charge of marketing, such as technicians or directors, get caught up in the search for an answer to
problems and do not really allow themselves to move forward or find a solution.
Marketing directors must be creative people or at least, they must be working on developing this
ability, especially to achieve virtues such as:
- Accepting criticism
- Ability to withstand pressures
- Power to work anywhere
- Ability to work on more than one thing at a time
The creative process in marketing
There are two types of preparation: direct and indirect.
Direct is when we look for information that contributes to a possible solution and indirect is when
Back to the problem! Warming up is a different stage of the creative process. Ideas begin to boil, and it
feels like a solution is close at hand.
It’s when the idea emerges.
Ideas that were previously abstract/mental are organized through the construction of an approach plan.
After a reasonable amount of time, after the idea has been developed, it must be subjected to
verification, either to correct it or to ensure that it is working as expected.
What is creativity used for in marketing?
- Solving unmet market needs
- Boost sales
- Differentiate yourself from the competition
- Building customer loyalty
Stimulating creativity in the company in general and the marketing department in particular will help us to acquire some important habits such as:
- Greater team cohesion
- Increased sense of belonging to a global project
- Development of proposals from all areas
- Better resistance to crises
- Reduction of sick leave due to stress
- Talent retention
Final Thoughts
- Creativity is believing; believing that you can create and working hard for it.
- She is a muse of virtue that demands effort and perseverance.
- The preferred strategy in every marketing plan.
- And of all things, as Nick Law , creative director of the agency R/GA Worldwide, says, “Creativity is a habit, it’s not something that happens in the shower .”
Tell me what you felt about the article. Has creativity been an ally of your business strategy?