What is an API system and how can it help your company?

To enhance your company’s results and achieve your business goals, it is essential to be equipped with the main tools and technologies.

Within the online scenario, increasingly present in the routine of Brazilian consumers, you need to offer an efficient, fast and reliable service to stand out in the market.

By using an API system, your company can add external features to your platform, ensuring the best usability and functionality for your customers . In this article, we will discuss this tool and how to use it in more detail. Keep reading!

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What is an API system?

The concept of API deals with a form of  between different systems. The acronym API stands for Application sweden whatsapp number data Interface, which can be translated as “Application Programming Interface”.

This tool allows you to integrate various functions within your online platform . You can offer various payment functions, in addition to increasing the efficiency of your internal control.

There are no restrictions on API use, any company can carry out an integration as long as its system is compatible with the APIs and has a technical team to carry out its development .

This function is essential for e-commerces that intend to scale their sales, as well as companies with a high volume of collections or businesses with their own platforms.

What are the types of API?

There is more than one API online marketing examples model, with each of them serving different business formats.

It is worth mentioning that API integration , in general, requires some technical knowledge. Therefore, it is important that you and your technical team are familiar with these systems and choose the one that will bring the greatest benefits to your company. Check it out:

Public API

This API system is also called an open API. It can business to consumer database by any person or company and is more easily accessed than other API systems.

This model is sought after by businesses that involve data sharing or that offer computing services . It is worth noting that these APIs are not necessarily free, although they are called public.

These are often regulated by the API provider , depending on the use of authentication keys.

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