There are several brands that, in an attempt to attract new audiences and stay up-to-date with new generations, do a soft rebranding, something that reaffirms the message in the minds of the target audience, without significantly changing the logo or other concepts. This is what Bauducco did recently, and Casas Bahia is also playing catch-up. The last rebranding was not so positive and, therefore, they had to “recalculate the route” and return to old strategies.
With losses of over 400 million, Via is witnessing a huge crisis in the parent company of brands such as Ponto, Extra and Casas Bahia. This may be due to changes in consumer habits, a preference for a competitor that has been to digital for a long time, or other factors that we will hardly know. What is really interesting is to see how marketing has been working on the idea of reviving concepts from the past, by nostalgia, and keeping the target audience closer every day.
Casas Bahia announces rebranding: Baianinho becomes CB
In mid-2020, it was that the brand’s famous mascot would change its look. Baianinho, as he was known, has already undergone some design adaptations, following global trends in this regard. In his latest 3D modeling version, the character a child, wearing a leather hat – a stereotype from the Northeast. It is important to see how the representation has , and even in his latest version (with a cap instead of a hat), the character no longer the pre-teens of the current generation.
However, in this latest design update, Baianinho would change completely. Becoming the central figure of the new campaign, CB (as he is now known) is a Brazilian teenager who tries to bring together several characteristics of the nation – not just Bahia. On the internet, the character became a joke in the debut week, but soon became popular with the public, who became to the various campaigns, costumes, cosplays and other adaptations of the character.
Lu from Magalu and the digital environment: Casas Bahia arrives late
Opposing Lu, Magalu’s mascot, CB came ready to be up to date with Generation Z, with content for social , a well-known voice actor and a million-dollar investment. Ilca, Via Varejo’s marketing director, her desire to put the boy at the center of the campaign, and not just at the POS. The character did not appear in the television campaigns, being almost entirely present in the physical store as an icon of the company.
According to her, “We are entering a second and very important chapter in this evolution of the brand’s repositioning. He now comes as a digital influencer, to more light on our values in the new positioning, being the guardian of themes such as sustainability and diversity”. Because of this, the character has basically become the personification of the company’s mission, vision and values.
Retracing the steps: Is Casas Bahia more about television than the internet?
However, apparently, the company’s for some time, and this campaign from 3 years ago had to be indonesia whatsapp number data somewhat to social . This is because, of the 70 million people who watch Globo, for example, more than half of this audience is over 50 years old – according to information from the company itself at Upfront.
This means that betting on Generation Z and Alpha as target consumers for a department store selling furniture and home appliances doesn’t make much sense. Engagement on social has probably , but without sales conversion and targeting an economically active audience, the efforts are worthless.
Nostalgia as a strategy: reliving the past!
Then came the new strategy: to reach the public right in the heart. It is not new that advertisements have become true classics of our national dramatic production. From old friends like Guaraná com Pipoca, Mamíferos online marketing examples Parmalat and Bombons Garoto, to new acquaintances like Cerveja do Verão and the feared Pôneis Malditos.
Because of this, and with a campaign full of teasers on the internet, the company decided to rehire an old acquaintance of the general public, who had an easy time in times of lower purchasing power, in the early 2000s, with credit and easy credit in many installments.
That’s how they decided to rehire Fabiano, from the song “Quer pagar quanto?”. To the sound of a touching instrumental and remembering moments from the past filled with nostalgia, accompanied by testimonies from that past with a lot of positivity, the actor comments that he returned to the place he should never have left.
Fabiano and CB became great friends – and they work together!
Betting on an old acquaintance can be a very effective strategy to revive consumption in the store – and to remind people why it cmo email list was once a favorite in the past. But don’t be fooled! CB has not been abandoned. The mascot continues to be present in digital media and on Instagram, and Fabiano is much more present on broadcast TV.
This shows a slightly better dominance of the campaign strategy, knowing how to position itself where the target audience is. Casas Bahia, then, positions the campaign target in the right way, inviting the audience that watches television to consume in physical stores, while CB invites the internet target audience to consume online.
Soft Rebranding: Reaffirmation, Recalculation and Retracing Steps
It is a way of repositioning a brand without necessarily being a rebranding. It is an attempt to correct small errors from the last positioning without abandoning the audience that may have been won over by the CB, since this type of virtual character has become a recent trend among brands.
In any case, it is positive to see that Casas Bahia recognizes its mistakes and is able to take a few steps back when necessary, retake them and put new strategies into practice. And these new-old strategies are very present in advertising and cinema, which rely heavily on nostalgia to sell more!
Target audience recognition: Casas Bahia spares no effort
The millennial generation, for example, is usually the focus of these nostalgic productions. What will be the next brand to revive old acquaintances in campaigns? Parmalat’s mammals have already a few times – and are on their website. Just as Pipoca com Guaraná has returned with a well-known axé singer in its advertising.