The main drama What can brazilian production in the country, national soap operas are a more than successful case from an advertising point of view. With around 5 new productions on Brazilian open TV, just one commercial during the breaks (sponsorship quota) can cost over 800 thousand reais. Thus, it didn’t takeWhat can brazilian long for them to also arrive on streaming. And now they are a reality.
Soap operas have been on Brazilian television since the 1960s, with national productions and million-dollar investments that reveal new talent every day. There is a true cultural industry of this genre in the country What can brazilian that, even today, earns millions in advertising. In addition to being the main TV product, it is also the one with the most expensive commercial breaks, as well as the breaks in BBB and Jornal Nacional, both on Rede Globo.
Advertising market adapting: period drama!
In 2019, new forms of advertising were created that included period soap operas. Coca-Cola, for example, advertised in two 1940 soap operas, Além da Ilusão (2022) and Amor Perfeito (2023), proving that much more than just a success story, soap operas still speak to young audiences. Data from Rede Globo, the channel with the greatest representation in the soap opera sector in Brazil, states that almost half of the audience for Pantanal (2022) was under 29 years old.
However, the way content is consumed has changed a lot in recent years – especially with the pandemic. Despite being unbeatable, Globo still manages to get almost 30 rating points every day (which means around 15 million people watching the same content simultaneously), but it is no longer alone in the race. The second place in IBOPE is now occupied by video streaming, even before SBT and Record TV.
TV vs Internet: Audience segmentation brings new viewers to YouTube
Although this IBOPE of video streaming is a sum of all existing content, it means that the segmentation of audience and content presented by streaming systems is working and, therefore, many people are india whatsapp number data consuming other types of products. YouTube leads the research and the other paid streaming systems follow the list.
Today, streaming systems represent competition for pay TV, and may represent a risk for free-to-air TV in the future as well.
Noticing this movement, Globo was quicker and launched two telenovelas exclusively on streaming, Verdades Secretas II (2022) and Todas as Flores (2023), reaching incredible numbers on Globoplay, which is the most used streaming platform in the country. Because of this, other streaming services realized that there was an important case there, and that the country’s main drama series could find its place in the sun on other services and companies.
Streaming soap opera: HBO Max is chasing after it
However, noticing a movement in the advertising market, HBO Max hired the experienced Sílvio de Abreu to lead a core seo & expert-driven content: databox focused on the genre exclusively for streaming. Segundas Intentions passed through the author’s scrutiny, who hired Raphael Montes to write and Joana Jabace to direct – still under the title Telessérie – which displeased some experts.
In 2022, then, there was much discussion about what would be the correct term to refer to the melodramatic content produced. Netflix, in turn, still calls its ‘Piece of Me’ a melodrama. The advertising market saw the opportunity in the product and began to reject the terms.
So, Silvio de Abreu left the purple project, Joana left the direction with Maria de Médicis, and the soap opera left its name, changing to Beleza Fatal. In addition to this, HBO Max is also producing – with a period set – a remake of Dona Beija. This proves that the format is more alive than ever, the streaming service even renamed the format to its usual name: soap opera!
What can the advertising market expect from the future of soap operas?
Today, expectations are high, with three soap operas outside of Globo already on the country’s biggest streaming cmo email list channels, with renowned casts. Because of this, the lesson is that one advance in communication does not erase another. Radio has not been killed, TV has not killed cinema, and series have not killed soap operas. However, we will probably see an interesting movement in the coming years.
The format will probably change, with advertising inserts being able to be placed between one block and another (just like on television), or before each episode begins. The episodes are already shorter, and the plot as a whole is leaner – a result of the younger audience, who consume things less intensively, and usually as a second screen.
To please the market: Bebel is back!
It is worth remembering that soap operas continue to be popular in the country, and these first three could be the starting point for what could become a true cultural industry made specifically for streaming. Therefore, it is important for the advertising market to be aware of the first numbers of these upcoming dramas.
With the announcement that Camila Pitanga would star in Beleza Fatal with a well-known archetype, Rede Globo decided to reprise Paraíso Tropical, with the same profile, in an attempt to hold the audience a little and even ride this hype a little.
The lesson that this whole movement leaves for the advertising market is the need for adaptability. Today, it is possible to sponsor a soap opera on television and a comedy video on TikTok, or a digital influencer who uses Reels to make money.
Adaptability and modernity
Knowing how to recognize new technologies, communicating with the target audience that consumes that product and building a bridge so that they consume yours is a challenge that many agencies are learning. Furthermore, it is necessary to know how to adapt and recognize that the world does not stand still, and technologies are always advancing.
It is important to remember, for example, that Warner released films directly on TikTok, cut into 27 parts and sped up, precisely because of the new way of consumption. It is important to be aware of how to attract new leads, knowing exactly what, where and how the desired target audience is consuming.