20 Book Tips to Write Better, Tell Engaging Stories, and Increase Sales

There is no good writer who is not a voracious reader.

My passion for reading began in a very common way, like that of many children.

Since childhood, my brother and I were addicted to reading Turma da Mônica comics.

The habit of reading has always been part of my routine and I know that a large part of my ease with writing came from it.

I also don’t know of a richer and, at the same time, cheaper source of knowledge than a good book.

Those who love reading do not always develop writing skills.

But whoever writes must necessarily be passionate about reading.

That’s why I made a list of book tips for those who want to learn how to write blog articles, fiction books, persuasive texts or any other form of creation designed to engage people through words.

I divided the book tips into 3 categories:

1. For those who want to learn Lebanon Phone Number Data more about creative writing.

2. For those who want to master persuasive writing to increase sales.

3. For those who want to tell better stories and be more creative.

The Art of Creative Writing
1. On Writing – Stephen King

One of the most famous books on writing. Also one of the best by the world-renowned writer, Stephen King.

Interweaving the author’s life story with practical tips, it is possible to see King’s ability to tell engaging and funny stories using very light language.

You learn from the writing itself within the book and, of course, from the many examples and lessons the author has collected after writing and publishing 54 books.

2. Word by Word – Instructions for Writing and Living – Anne Lamott

Despite not being a well-known writer in Brazil, Anne Lamott has a long literary career and shares her experience and knowledge in the book called “ Bird by Bird ”, in English.

Their personal stories illustrate the same problems that many writers also face , such as creative block, lack of motivation, perfectionism and even envy.

In addition to being an author, she is a creative writing teacher , so she provides basic but valuable teachings so that anyone can start writing.

3. The Art of Writing – Arthur Schopenhauer

The great German philosopher Arthur Brazil Phone Number List Schopenhauer influenced the thinking of other great names such as Freud and Nietzsche, in addition to creating treatises on the art of writing.

In this 19th century book, he reflects on the importance of reading and writing, with tips that are so timeless that we can use them today without fear.

4. How to find yourself in writing: The path to awakening the loving writing in you – Ana Holanda

In addition to changing your perspective on writing, you will transform your perspective on your own daily life.

Ana Holanda says that a good text is one that transforms, brings closer and affects the reader in some way.

If your text doesn’t do this, it stops being a conversation and becomes an uninteresting monologue.

The book does not provide closed rules for what constitutes a bad or excellent text, but invites you to look at your own writing as a way of expressing what no one else could do in your place.

5. The art of writing taught in 20 lessons- Antoine Albalat

Anyone willing to study and train can learn to write, according to Antoine Albalat.

And in this book, he sets out to teach, in 20 lessons, how to double or triple the talent of an average writer, with many examples and practical tips.

6. The World of Writing: How Literature Transformed Civilization

For those who like history and want to know the evolution and impact of writing in some important historical moments, this book is a great starting point.

Known as “Sapiens” for those who like literature, in it we will take a trip to the past to understand how the act of writing changed our present and how it will impact the future.

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